Project “Research works on ArchOS prototype” is financed from jest dofinansowany z Regional Operational Program of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship in years 2014-2020

Beneficiary: SoftCream Longina Śniecikowska-Bareńska
The total value of the project is: 1 578 512,51 PLN, including contribution of European Funds: 1 174 073,98 PLN

Project goals

The goal of a R&D project is carrying out research and developmental works. This is to lead to model of long-term archive of notarial activities elaboration. Otherwise it is for pilot installation of ArchOS which is inoperable prototype. As part of the R&D project work there will be done research works in order to elaborate pilot installation of long-term archive of notarial activities. Based on research works results model/prototype will be elaborated which will be used for new product preparation and launching.

Planned effects

In project there will be carried out research works whose effects will be:

  • general scheme and scheme of working archive for notarial data long-term storage purposes;
  • analysis of data formats and preparation its definition for notary needs;
  • designing system of archive security;
  • structure and Repo and Archi software model;
  • project of authentication and data transport system;
  • innovative GUI concept for ArchOS client application;
  • project of ArchOS hardware module (REPO i ARCHI).

Solution outline

System is built in data grid structure. REPO is typical handy archive which works continuously over time; Access to REPO is via special client application. Data can be tranfered to REPO in form of files (system does not accept data streams from cameras or measuring devices. That happens when data streams are not in form of files).

REPO client is an application running on Windows and Linux systems (planned: OSX). Data from REPO are automatically moved to ARCHI. According to principle of building archives, data in ARCHI trays cannot be ad-hoc deleted. This type of prcedure consists of two processes: administrative separation of files and technical activity – deleting record (which in the case of ARCHI requires at least two people). REPO is a handy archive buffer and user can delete record before moving to ARCHI.

The size of REPO buffor depends on local needs and can be enlarged at any time. Data stored in REPO are deleted after a certain time (cache time) and it remains available only in ARCHI. Time of storage in REPO is set by system administrator.

ARCHI trays should be redundantly configured to increase safety of data storage.

The result of development works will be unoperable ArchOS prototype (REPO and ARCHI).